
“Let’s get rooted!”

What do I mean by getting rooted?

The true definition means firmly implanted.
To me it means that you have planted your feet firmly into something you believe in. Even in the most unbearable circumstances you will not let go. Long story short you must commit to your
beliefs and decisions. Remember things are not always going to go your way. You will sometimes get your feelings hurt, you’re going to have doubts but if you have firmly planted those feet then you have a sturdy foundation.



About Me

I’m Shannon Sellers, and I decided at 50 to be fierce, fabulous, fit and FLAWSOME.
Now fit is not always the size of your ass. Fit to me is healthy blood work, and being happy mentally, as well as spiritually.

I’ve been self-employed for 30 years as a beautician. During that time, I learned that making my clients smile on the inside was just as important as them liking what I did for them cosmetically.

My glass is always half full. Even on days when it’s lower than usual, each day I get up gives me the opportunity to fill it all the way up again.

Want to schedule a meeting?

I will do our best to accommodate to your schedule. I am available in the mornings from 5am – 8am. Click the link below to schedule an appointment.

What My Clients Are Saying

“For more than 30 years my friend and my sister in Christ, Shannon, has always listened to my rants, hugged me when I’m down, helped me talk through decisions I’m trying to make and treated me like family. She does these things without wanting anything in return - she wholeheartedly wants what’s best for you and will go above and beyond to help you! You don’t find many people like her in this world. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.”

Sherry Pinney-Phillips Client

"Where would I be without Shannon? Lord, I don't even want to think about it. I have known Shannon for 30 years. She has been my hairdresser but more importantly my friend. She is my advocate and the reason I get through most days. She keeps me positive and in the moment. She takes charge and leads my team to accomplish the goals that are needed at any given time. She does amazing work and gives 110%. She continues to make me smile, laugh and love in my continuous darkness of my disease. I love her with all my heart. I could never repay her for what she has done and continues to do for me."

Amy Barbour Poole Client

"I met Shannon at church and then she became my hair stylist. With her big heart and determination, she broke through my walls. She became my bestie, my sister and my encourager. She helped me step out of my comfort zone. She helped me realize that what I dream about can become my life. Shannon changed my life for the better!!!!"

Renee Ormond Client

“Shannon Sellers is not only my beautician for twenty plus years, she is also a good friend, a great Mom, a loving daughter, and a sister to a lot of people (blood related or not). She will listen when I need that ear. We have laughed a lot together, cried together, prayed together. I am blessed to have Shannon as someone that is always there and most of the time has the best advice when needed. She is a go-getter and can succeed in anything she works at. I wish I had her drive and self esteem at times. There is definitely no one else like her!“

DeAnna Little Client

“When you have Shannon Sellers in your corner, you have an amazing friend, coach and supporter. Shannon has a way of telling you like it is, in the way you need to hear it! She doesn't mince words, but her guidance comes from a place of loyalty and love. She fights for the weak, even if weak isn't your normal space and you are there by no fault of your own. She helps keep things in perspective, and will not let you give up! She lends strength when needed and adds laughter in times of heaviness. I truly believe that one of her God given gifts is that of encouragement! God has put an amazing strength in her, and He intends for her to share it with others. She is my friend, she is my encouragement, she is one special lady! I am blessed to know her!”

Kimberly S. Wooten Client

“I have been going to get my hair done for more than thirty years. It is so much more than a beauty shop. We have shared so much with each other; such as all about our families, deaths, marriages, health issues. Shannon is all about being positive and that has helped me so much. Life is hard at its best but having a positive attitude is the only way to go. She has taught me that I am not always right! Her love for her family and friends are unbelievable. I can hardly wait each month for my appointment! I love you.”

Janie Crumpler Client

Contact Me

Want to talk? Reach out below: