About Me

My Mission

At Showing My Roots we are on a mission to empower women everywhere to take time for themselves, nurture their emotional and mental health, and grow from any obstacle life throws at them.

My Story

I am a mom of two amazing men. Dylan, 27, and Dawson, 24. They always have been and always will be my greatest accomplishments. They are my “why” for pushing myself to want more and have been the reason that I have always picked myself up and stayed strong.
I always wanted to be their rock and knew that the way I lived would be setting the pace for them. That’s why I never play victim and always take the challenges in life head-on. I may not always win or achieve exactly what I want, but when I fell short, my boys always saw me dust myself off and try again.

I have lived through some of life’s great challenges. Everything from a broken, divorced family to lost parents and my own divorce myself. Even though I’ve been working for myself since I was 20, I will always advocate for others. I started over at 40, and am taking on the world at 50.
I want to empower women to be the best versions of themselves, one bold step at a time. I’m living proof that it’s never too late to make a fresh start, and to walk confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Remember to redefine life’s possibilities one step at a time — and learn to live your best life.

My Coaching Journey

As a woman who has been through various stages of transition myself, I understood the challenges that come with such changes. Whether it was dealing with a new job, a move to a new city, or a major life event such as a divorce or a loss, I knew that these transitions could be overwhelming and stressful.

As I began to work with a few women, I realized that I had a gift for helping them to find their inner strength and resilience. Over time, I honed my coaching skills and developed a unique approach that empowers women to overcome life’s transitions with ease.

My coaching process starts with an initial consultation, where I get to know my clients and their specific needs. From there, we work together to identify their goals and create a plan to achieve them. I offer one-on-one coaching sessions, as well as group coaching for those who prefer a more collaborative approach.

My ultimate goal as a coach is to help women to live their best lives, no matter what challenges they may be facing. I believe that everyone has the power to overcome adversity and find success and happiness, and I am committed to helping my clients achieve those goals. Whether you are dealing with a major life transition or just looking for some extra support and guidance, I am here to help.

My mission

At Showing My Roots we are on a mission to empower women everywhere to take time for themselves, nurture their emotional and mental health, and grow from any obstacle life throws at them.

My Story

I am a mom of two amazing men. Dylan, 27, and Dawson, 24. They always have been and always will be my greatest accomplishments. They are my “why” for pushing myself to want more and have been the reason that I have always picked myself up and stayed strong.
I always wanted to be their rock and knew that the way I lived would be setting the pace for them. That’s why I never play victim and always take the challenges in life head-on. I may not always win or achieve exactly what I want, but when I fell short, my boys always saw me dust myself off and try again.

I have lived through some of life’s great challenges. Everything from a broken, divorced family to lost parents and my own divorce myself. Even though I’ve been working for myself since I was 20, I will always advocate for others. I started over at 40, and am taking on the world at 50.
I want to empower women to be the best versions of themselves, one bold step at a time. I’m living proof that it’s never too late to make a fresh start, and to walk confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Remember to redefine life’s possibilities one step at a time — and learn to live your best life.

My Journey

As a woman who has been through various stages of transition myself, I understood the challenges that come with such changes. Whether it was dealing with a new job, a move to a new city, or a major life event such as a divorce or a loss, I knew that these transitions could be overwhelming and stressful.

As I began to work with a few women, I realized that I had a gift for helping them to find their inner strength and resilience. Over time, I honed my coaching skills and developed a unique approach that empowers women to overcome life’s transitions with ease.

My coaching process starts with an initial consultation, where I get to know my clients and their specific needs. From there, we work together to identify their goals and create a plan to achieve them. I offer one-on-one coaching sessions, as well as group coaching for those who prefer a more collaborative approach.

My ultimate goal as a coach is to help women to live their best lives, no matter what challenges they may be facing. I believe that everyone has the power to overcome adversity and find success and happiness, and I am committed to helping my clients achieve those goals. Whether you are dealing with a major life transition or just looking for some extra support and guidance, I am here to help.